Peer Review

Welcome to Peer Review! We are dedicated to enhancing the quality of accounting, auditing and attestation services performed by AICPA members in public practice.

Search within the Peer Review

PRIMA Has Replaced PRISM

We have replaced the Peer Review Information System Manager (PRISM) with an all-electronic, interactive system called the Peer Review Integrated Management Application (PRIMA).

Access PRIMA

Unsure where to begin? Check out Getting Started in PRIMA.

Access resources for reviewers and firms.

In the Spotlight

Register for the Becoming an AICPA Peer Review Team or Review Captain: Case Study Application Course
This course serves as part of the initial training requirement to perform peer reviews and will be held as a series of live webcasts in May, July and October/November 2023.

SOC Experience Needed
Know a SOC specialist who could serve on a peer review? Send them to our SOC page.

Create or Update Your Peer Reviewer Resume
Here you can either enter or update your resume.

Firm Training required by Report Acceptance Bodies (RABs)

RABs are now required to assign AICPA courses related to Enhancing Audit Quality (EAQ) select focus areas as corrective actions or implementation plans when:

  • significant deficiencies, deficiencies and findings are identified related to these areas and
  • CPE is determined to be the necessary follow up action.

RABs may assign or allow an alternative course if it meets the learning objectives of the AICPA course (as described in the product page of the AICPA’s online store). We would certainly encourage RABs to look first to these courses to help firms remediate issues identified in these areas.

For more information, visit the Firm Training required by Report Acceptance Bodies (RABs) page.


Enhancing Audit Quality: A Data-Driven Approach

The AICPA’s Enhancing Audit Quality initiative (EAQ) aims to drive high-quality audit performance in an evolving business environment. How? By transforming audit data into valuable insights and tools to support auditors, auditees and other stakeholders.

See EAQ resources and tools


Quality Management Resources


Free practice aid: Set up your A&A quality management system

Quality Management – We Need Your Help!

Quality Management Standards – Firm Toolkit


More on AICPA TV

Peer Review Board Meetings and Materials

The next open session meeting of the AICPA Peer Review Board (PRB) will be held on Wednesday, May 15, 2024. To register for the next PRB open session meeting, please complete and submit the registration form.

Download the materials from the February 7, 2024 open session.

Access prior PRB meeting materials and highlights.

National Peer Review Committee (NPRC)

Firms are required to have their peer review administered by the NPRC if they are required to be registered with and inspected by the PCAOB or if they perform audits of non-SEC issuers pursuant to the standards of the PCAOB.

If your firm is not required to have its review administered by the National PRC, but it chooses to do so, please notify your current administering entity. Your firm will be subject to the NPRC administrative fee structure.

For more information, go to the NPRC page.

Contact Us

Contact the Peer Review Team.